He still loves me!

God's LoveHi, my dearest readers 🙂 first of all I apologise for the late post this week esp. for those who keep up. It has been one heck of a week I tell you and not exactly in the best of ways… so much have gone on, some of which I am still trying to make out what I’m supposed to learn or benefit from it because I’m all about everything working together for my good you know (Romans 8:28). When I do find out, and learn and understand, I promise to share when the time is right ;).

Although one thing got me through this week and it was a scripture God has been banging in my heart that “we love him because He first loved us” (I John 4:19). I was thinking emm I kind of know you love us God so what am I supposed to get from this? Truth is I really didn’t know how much God loved me.

Because I have had my doubts, asking questions such as- does God love me ALL the time??? At the points when I do really bad and mean things or wrong Him does he stop loving me??? The answer is He loved and still does love me even at my filthiest and this is same for everyone. You see my friends, God does not ever stop loving us- sinful or perfect because from the very beginning he loved us. What God wants is NOT for us to hide away from him thinking He’s one angry God, out there to get us anytime we fall short but He’s as loving as can be and ready to embrace us the minute we turn to him. So let’s approach his throne of grace boldly and continuously with sincere hearts and he will lovingly receive us EVERY TIME. So the times during the week that I fell short, I asked for mercy and tell myself He still Loves me whether I feel it or not… 🙂

[However, this is not an invitation to deliberately sin as God is not mocked, whatever you sow you reap 😉]

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